vrijdag 31 mei 2013

I love the video! :)

This band is also coming on Forta Rock tomorrow. I'm wondering if the man from the clip is also coming!

My first punk shirt!

It says "punk is not dead".

Forta Rock

Five Finger Death Punch has been canceled for tomorrow.

We're very sorry to announce bad news, but unfortunately, the show of Five Finger Death Punch on FortaRock, on June 1, has been canceled due to unforeseen logistical conditions. Five Finger Death Punch apologizes openly to their fans.


TEXTURES will replace 5FDP on June 1. We are very glad Textures is able to replace 5FDP at this very last moment! For ten years Textures forges a variety of heavy metalstyles together into irresistible songs. Textures also toured the world a few times around. More than 500 shows, played in clubs and at major venues throughout Europe, Russia, the U.S., Canada, Mexico, India and Nepal.


woensdag 29 mei 2013


Only three more days...

...And then it's Saturday!
I've waited so long 'till FortaRock :)
It's going to be very big and I'm wondering if it's still that much fun, but I'm going to see Lemmy and Rammstein, so it's going to be great any way.

I just hope it's not going to rain all day, because it can get really cold.

zaterdag 25 mei 2013

Kids 'n' Billies...

... is still looking for a dutch bible :)

The Reverend Beat-Man is coming on the 15th of June, together with some other nice bands.
Tickets are available here:

vrijdag 24 mei 2013

"I think music is the greatest art form that exists, and I think people listen to music for different reasons, and it serves different purposes. The best songs are the ones that make you feel something."
Eddie Vedder

dinsdag 21 mei 2013

Larry and his Flask - Ribs and Blues '13

Yesterday was the last day of the Ribs and blues festival in Raalte.
It's a free festival with a lot of things to do for kids and a lot of places to eat.
We went to see Larry and his Flask!
They had another show after this one, so they immediately had to go. We didn't buy any merchandise, because we already have almost everything. :-)
I'll put some photo's here, as soon as I have them!

Look at these sites for some more pictures:
You have to look here, because there might have been a mix-up.

maandag 13 mei 2013

No Means No - 8 mei 2013

Nomeansno was in the Melkweg, in Amsterdam!
They performed in one of the smaller rooms, while Larry and his Flask and the Kaiser Chiefs were playing as well.
It's too bad that nice bands sometimes play at the same time!
The band was a little bit older than I remembered, but still as good! 
There were a lot of enthusiastic people and people dancing throughout the whole performance (it was a bit hot in the room, so this was quite hard).
They played a lot of old, but also newer songs and a few covers (from the Ramones as well!).

They have beautiful shirts for sale. Check them out!

woensdag 8 mei 2013

Queensdayfestival '13

This must have been one of the most fun festival-days of my life!
There was a line-up with four bands I really wanted to see. 
The Urban Voodoo Machine came first. I had never seen them before and was surprised to see eleven people on stage! They made a whole show around it and I really liked it.
Afterwards I was the proud owner of a set-list with all the signatures!

The next band I wanted to see was Old Man Markley, one of my favorite bands. 
During the second last song, I was allowed to come on stage! It was awesome!
I had such a good time!
I've been backstage and talked to them and again, I got a set-list.
I also bought a new shirt.

Then, after another band, came Slim Cessna's Autoclub. I've seen them once before, near Utrecht, and I was really impressed.
They were spectacular, as expected. At this moment my camera stopped working, because of an empty battery, so I don't have any pictures...

And the last band I'd love to see was Larry and his Flask.
I've seen them several times and was surprised to see that someone was missing. I hope he doesn't stop playing!
The show was very nice and fun.
I spoke to a few of the band-members and my brother managed to get all the autographs, I got a few as well.
And I have a new patch for my bag!

I had one of the best festival-days in my life, ate delicious pizza's all day, spoke to a lot of people and enjoyed this great day.

I hope to come another year!